Purchase any product in our Support Japan Earthquake Relief collection and $10 will go to the Japan Society Tohoku Earthquake Relief Fund: http://www.japansociety.org.uk/earthquake/ These designs are based on traditional Japanese artwork and will show your appreciation of Japanese culture as well as your support towards providing relief for the victims of the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in the Tohoku region of Japan.
Buttons are perfect for every occasions! Our buttons are high quality mylar protecting cover buttons. They measure 3" in diameter, metal shell, safety pin plastic backs.
Important: In order to get a perfect finished buttons, please leave room for a bleed if with background. A bleed is where the background images go off the button about 1/4 inch, in order to keep all text and images inside the button, and also leave an extra 1/4" outside the area. This will bleed off and be flipped under the mylar cover.